Michael's Webpage

Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.
– Ecclesiastes 1:2
Nothing you see on a screen is real.


Welcome to my website. My name is Michael Carney. I'm an Orthodox Christian, neo-luddite, horse supremacist, and amateur photographer. I like to tinker with with computers and make kombucha. If I were better situated, I'd also be doing some small-scale subsistence farming. I believe in highly local economies and food cultures. My favorite color is green.

My faith is very important to me, and so I have compiled a list of online Orthodox stores. As far as I know, it's the most complete list of stores yet. I am mirroring some other writings as well, and I intend to add more.

I wrote my own guestbook in Perl, and I think I did a pretty good job. Check it out and sign it if you like. Take a look around the site. I've got stuff in the works, so be sure to subscribe to my RSS feed for updates to come. Get in touch for friendly conversation and site feedback. No ads or "offers", though, thanks :^).

Recent Blog Posts [RSS]

Things I'm interested in

  • Orthodox Christianity
  • Texas
  • Photography, vinyl, analog & vintage technology
  • Gardening, sustainable farming
  • Firearms
  • Fermentation, curing, homebrewing
  • Fitness, calisthenics, cycling
  • Urban planning, transportation
  • Fishing, hunting, fly tying
  • Writing
  • And more...

This site belongs to a Christian webring.

[Michael's Webpage]
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michaelc.xyz by Michael Carney is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0