Orthodox Stores

This is a list of online Orthodox stores. Please send feedback, corrections, and submissions to michael at michaelc dot xyz.

Store Icons Books Prayer Ropes Incense Candles/Lamps Other Items
All Merciful Saviour Monastery
Archangels Books
Burning Bush Coffee
Cherubim Press
Cross Crafter
Damascene Gallery
Eighth Day Books
Holy Cross Monastery
Holy Trinity Church Supplies
Holy Trinity Icon Studio
Holy Trinity Publications
Istok Church Supplies
Legacy Icons
Mission Shop
Newrome Press
Not of This World Icons and Books
Orthodox Christian Supply
Orthodox Incense
Orthodox Monastery Icons
Paidea Classics
Potamitis Publishing
Saint Herman Monastery
Saint Ignatius Orthodox Press
Saint John's Bookstore
St. Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery
St. Gregory Orthodox Church
St. Innocent Press
St. Isaac of Syria Skete
St. Paisius Monastery
St. Sebastian Orthodox Press
St. Tikhon's Monastery Press
Uncut Mountain Press
Uncut Mountain Supply

† Indicates monasteries
Last updated Tue Aug 20 20:05:10 2024

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